Ente Malayalanaadu

Location: മുംബൈ, മഹാരാഷ്ട്രം, India

മുംബയില്‍ താമസം. ജീവിക്കാനാവശ്യമായ വിഭവങ്ങള്‍ക്കായി മുംബയിലെ ഒരു കമ്പനിയില്‍ രാപകല്‍ അദ്ധ്വാനിക്കുന്നു. കൊല്ലമാണ്‌ സ്വന്തം രാജ്യം

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Women have strengths that amaze men...
They bear hardships and they carry burdens...
But they hold happiness, love and joy...
They smile when they are happy, and laugh when they are nervous.
They fight for what they believe in.
They stand up to injustice.
They don't take 'No' for an answer, when they believe there is a better solution.
They go without, so their family can have.
They love unconditionally....
They cry when their children excel.
And cheer when their friends get awards.
They are happy when they hear about a birth or a wedding.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They grieve at the loss of a family member, yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart.
Women come in all shapes, sizes and colours.
They'll walk, run, phone or e-mail you, to show how much they care about you.
The heart of a woman is what makes the world keep churning...
They bring joy, hope and love.
They have compassion and ideas.
They give moral support to their family and friends.
Women have vital things to say and everything to give.
However, if there is one flaw in women... it is that they forget their WORTH.

Sunday, October 15, 2006


NO one has ever challenged it except Prof. PN Oak, who believes the whole world has been duped. In his book Taj Mahal: The True Story, Oak says the Taj Mahal is not Queen Mumtaz's tomb but an ancient Hindu temple palace of Lord Shiva (then known as Tejo Mahalaya) . In the course of his research Oak discovered that the Shiva temple palace was usurped by Shah Jahan from then Maharaja of Jaipur, Jai Singh. In his own court chronicle, Badshahnama, Shah Jahan admits that an exceptionally beautiful grand mansion in Agra was taken from Jai SIngh for Mumtaz's burial . The ex-Maharaja of Jaipur still retains in his secret collection two orders from Shah Jahan for surrendering the Taj building. Using captured temples and mansions, as a burial place for dead courtiers and royalty was a common practice among Muslim rulers.

For example, Humayun,Akbar, Etmud-ud-Daula and Safdarjung are all buried in such mansions. Oak's inquiries began with the name of Taj Mahal. He says the term "Mahal" has never been used for a building in any Muslim countries from Afghanisthan to Algeria. "The unusual explanation that the term Taj Mahal derives from Mumtaz Mahal was illogical in atleast two respects.

Firstly, her name was never Mumtaz Mahal but Mumtaz-ul-Zamani," he writes. Secondly, one cannot omit the first three letters 'Mum' from a woman's name to derive the remainder as the name for the building."Taj Mahal, he claims, is a corrupt version of Tejo Mahalaya, or Lord Shiva's Palace . Oak also says the love story of Mumtaz and Shah Jahan is a fairy tale created by court sycophants, blundering historians and sloppy archaeologists . Not a single royal chronicle of Shah Jahan's time corroborates the love story.

Furthermore, Oak cites several documents suggesting the Taj Mahal predates Shah Jahan's era, and was a temple dedicated to Shiva, worshipped by Rajputs of Agra city. For example, Prof. Marvin Miller of New York took a few samples from the riverside doorway of the Taj. Carbon dating tests revealed that the door was 300 years older than Shah Jahan. European traveler Johan Albert Mandelslo,who visited Agra in 1638 (only seven years after Mumtaz's death), describes the life of the cit y in his memoirs. But he makes no reference to the Taj Mahal being built. The writings of Peter Mundy, an English visitor to Agra within a year of Mumtaz's death, also suggest the Taj was a noteworthy building well before Shah Jahan's time.

Prof. Oak points out a number of design and architectural inconsistencies that support the belief of the Taj Mahal being a typical Hindu temple rather than a mausoleum. Many rooms in the Taj ! Mahal have remained sealed since Shah Jahan's time and are still inaccessible to the public. Oak asserts they contain a headless statue of Lord Shiva and other objects commonly used for worship rituals in Hindu temples . Fearing political backlash, Indira Gandhi's government tried to have Prof. Oak's book withdrawn from the bookstores, and threatened the Indian publisher of the first edition dire consequences . There is only one way to discredit or validate Oak's research.

The current government should open the sealed rooms of the Taj Mahal under U.N. supervision, and let international experts investigate.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Smiles... the inexpensive way to change your looks

A warm smile is the universal language of kindness. If you see a friend without a smile; give him one of yours.A smile starts on the lips, a grin spreads to the eyes, a chuckle comes from the belly; But a good laugh bursts forth from the soul, overflows, and bubbles all aroundThe real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.All people smile in the same language.Children smile on the average 400 times/day; adults: 15 times/day. Ever wonder why? Smiles are the language of love.Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looksToo often we underestimate the power of a smile, which have the potential to turn a life around.A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside.A good neighbour is a fellow who smiles at you over the back fence, butdoesn't climb over it.

Friday, October 06, 2006

The Yalta Conference 1945

THE Yalta Conference of February 1945 took place in the Crimea. Yalta is an ancient city on the shores of the Black Sea. This war conference is where the Big Three, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin issued the Yalta Agreement, their "Declaration on Liberated Europe." The conference at Yalta attempted to deal with the fate of postwar Europe, specifically the borders of Poland where the war began six years before, and the fate of Japan, whose ongoing tenacity kept America at war after the fall of Germany. Another perplexing problem, the partitioning of Germany and Berlin, was a major issue on the table. Of great importance to FDR was the creation of the United Nations. The decisions made at Yalta literally defined much of the modern world, politically, militarily and economically, and heralded the Cold War.

Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. A small boat rescues a seaman from the 31,800 ton USS West Virginia burning in the foreground. Smoke rolling out amidships shows where the most extensive damage occurred. Note the two men in the superstructure. The USS Tennessee is inboard.

Monday, October 02, 2006


Do you know the relationship between two eyes..? They blink together, they move together, they cry together, they see things together and they sleep together BUT THEY NEVER SEE EACH OTHER.. That's what's friendship!!! If I called you and asked you to pick me up because something happened.... would you come?.... If I had one day left to live my life... would you be part of my last day?.... If I needed a shoulder to cry on.... would you give me yours? This is a test to see who is your real friend or just someone that talks to you when they are bored...